for my app in AIr I'm using File.browseFroOpen to let the user pick a file on his device.
this.myFile = File.documentsDirectory;
txtFilter = new FileFilter("Music", "*.mp3;*.wav;");
this.myFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, this.onFileSelected);
this.myFile.browseForOpen("Open", [txtFilter]);
If the user pick a file, or use the device back button to close the window, no problem, everything is fine, but if the user just click outside of the modal window, it just disappear, but I guess it isn't closed since I can't call browseForOpen again without getting the ""Error #2041: Only one file browsing session may be performed at a time" error.
I thougth these windows were modal, so normally it can't be closed this way.
Am I doing something wrong ?
Thank you.