I've been trying to update the app which is currently in the appstore but no matter what I try I get this issue:
code object is not signed at all
In subcomponent: myapp.app/Contents/entitlements.plist
The problem is that I have been signing the entitlements using this and it all goes through just fine:
codesign -f -v -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: My Company (XXXXXXXXXX)" myapp.app/Contents/entitlements.plist
codesign -f -v -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: My Company (XXXXXXXXXX)" myapp.app
codesign -f -v -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: My Company (XXXXXXXXXX)" --entitlements myapp.app/Contents/entitlements.plist myapp.app
I wrote myself step by step instructions last year when the original app was successfully accepted into the store but now it's failing so perhaps something within the process has changed.
I tried doing this:
spctl --assess --type execute myapp.app
which returned:
myapp.app: rejected
but I don't know where to go from here.
Any help is appreciated.