I am using stylables in my custom view. After building, the app crashes at runtime when that custom view is getting instantiated.
Error message is: E/AndroidRuntime(2451): Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: No static field stl_SmartTabLayout of type [I in class Lcom/trendyworks/ane/AirTWShare/R$styleable; or its superclasses (declaration of 'com.trendyworks.ane.AirTWShare.R$styleable' appears in /data/app/air.test.android-2/base.apk).
I am using Adobe Flash CC 2015 with AIR SDK 17.0 (and tried with 19.0), jdk 1.8, Adobe Flash Buidler 4.7 (64bit) (Flex SDK 4.6) and latest android sdk.
(Note: I am using Eclipse to build jar file)
APK includes every resource folder except attr.
Kindly help me how to get this done.
Thank you.