I have discovered a new bug in AIR 3.9 on iOS7. I am testing on iPAD2
How to replicate:
- Create an app that auto-orient to any direction.
- Create 1 button at the very top left that when clicked runs the following code: this.stage.setAspectRatio(StageAspectRatio.LANDSCAPE);
- Hold your device in portrait mode with the home button at the bottom.... and run the app.
- When the app boots up, click the button on the top left.
- The app begins to rotate from portrait to landscape (as expected) but there is a problem. The stage has somehow offset itself.
The top left of your screen is no longer 0,0..... it is now 20,-20 (making your entire app look misaligned)
Here are some screenshots for proof (I outlined them so you can see the stage size)
Portrait mode before clicking the button:
Landscape Mode After clicking the botton:
I made my button with rounded corners so that you can see it being off the stage.
I tried this on Android and it doesnt seem to happen.. I'm guessing maybe this has something to do with the iOS Taskbar change.... because the amount it is offset is 20, (the taskbar height in non-retina)... though I'm not sure why it's offseting the X
Here is the project if you want to test it yourself:
Anyone else experienced this?